When adding new entries to this page, create a new creature as a bullet point beneath the appropriate creature species, and turn its name into a link to that creature's page. Try to keep entries in alphabetical order for ease of reference.
Use the following template when making entries:
Identity: X
Theme: X
Origin: X
List of bonds and strengths go here.
LV # ♦ Class1: 0 Class2: 0 Class3: 0 etc.
Description.DEX d# ♦ INS d# ♦ MIG d# ♦ WLP d#
HP # / # ♦ MP # ♦ Init. #
DEF +# ♦ M.DEF +#
Equipment: gear.
Attack Name ♦ [XXX + XXX] +# ♦ [HR + #] type damage.
Attack Name ♦ [XXX + XXX] +# ♦ [HR + #] type damage.-
Spell Name ♦ # MP ♦ Target ♦ Duration
Action ♦ Description.SPECIAL RULES
Name ♦ Description.
- [Credit: person: place]
The Holotypes
Characters from original jrpgs that inspired the Fabula Ultima RPG itself.
Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy 1
- Final Fantasy 4
- Final Fantasy 6
- Final Fantasy 7
- Final Fantasy 9
- Final Fantasy 10
- Final Fantasy 12
Wild Arms
Dragon Quest
Lunar Silver Star Story
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Vesperia
Trials of Mana
Breath of Fire
Other Media
Just because the game was inspired by jrpgs doesn't mean the characters it can draw from are limited to those alone. In fact, it seems to do a remarkably good job duplicating the flavor of many different types of media.